Charity for the Animals
Kyle is an animal lover and will go above and beyond for any animal. He spends 6-8 hours everyday taking care of these animals. "I feel like God has given me a gift to communicate with these animals to help them in any way possible."
The Pet Hui found out what Kyle does for all the animals at the Honolulu Country Club and decided to put on a show for the Pet Hui Show.
There are three Tennis/Pickleball Tournaments Kyle does to raise money for the stray animals. Unfortunately, last year he wasn't able to do any fundraiser tournaments. Hopefully he will be able to have these tournaments this year. These tournaments are July 4th Tournament (July 4), Labor Day Tournament (Sept 4), and Turkey Tournament (Nov 10). All proceeds goes to pay for their food and medical expenses.
If you would like to help Kyle care for these animals to help pay for their food and medical expenses, please click on my GoFundMe account.
Mahalo ;-)

Meet our two members of our animal club. This is Charlie our rooster that hangs out on the grass hill by the tennis courts. And this is Max this stray cat that appeared one day at the tennis courts
This is how dedicated I was in taking care of all the animals at Honolulu Country Club. Unfortunately the club was sold in September 2022 and I was kicked out by the new owners. I was working at HCC for 32 years as their tennis pro and also as their Doctor Dolittle in taking care of all the animals. Special thanks to the previous owner Mr Taki and GM Gary Brown for all their support for me.
A Man Dedicates His Life To The Animals - Part 1

A Man Dedicates His Life To The Animals - Part 2
Dr. Brian Walsh
Owner of Feather and Fur, a local veterinary hospital and clinic in Kailua.

Jeff Freitas, a member at HCC for 11 years.
Ann Nishimoto, a member of HCC for 11 years.

See My Animal's Tricks
Click the white button in the middle of the picture

My cat Cali plays dead for me.

My African Grey Rusty knows "who's his daddy?" just in case he gets lost.
Miracles do happen!!!! On June 12, 2018 I found Squeaky laying in the grass dying because someone ran her over with a golf cart. The left side of her wing was fractured and my vet was thinking about amputating her wing and told me she would never fly again. So I took care of her for 90 days. Miracles do happen! She is 90% recovered and she can fly a little. I spent over $2,500.00 to rehab her back to the wild. On September 19, 2018 she was release back to her home!

Squeaky and her brother
Squeaky was hurt by someone who put up a spike fence. I can't believe how cruel people can be!

Squeaky and her family
Squeaky and her boyfriend Shadow
Fundraiser Tournaments for the stray animals - 2022

July 4th Tournament

Labor Day Tournament

Veteran's Day Tournament
My duck Daphne is 20 yrs old

Rusty is my African Grey who is 29 years old. He has been in our family all his life.

Tommy was my alpha cat. He passed away in 2016. I spent $16,000 trying to save his life but the last blood transfusion didn't work so I had to put him down.

I raised Squeaky from when she was a baby duckling. Once she got old enough I released her at HCC. She passed away in Sept 2020. It hurt so much!

Yoda is my shyest cat even though he is the biggest cat. He was rescued from HCC.

Spunky is Cali's brother. He and Cali were rescued from Moanalua High School.

Big Boy is the alpha cat at HCC. In 2018 I had to put Big Boy down because he had cancer.

My K2 family. All these cats I have rescued. They are Yoda, Whitey Boy, Cowie, Princess, Lady, Stiffy,& Tommy

Princess and Yoda giving hugs!

Itchy is mongoose I saved her life. Spent $6,000 on surgeries for her

Sweetie was my rock! She was my first animal that lived with me. She was 13 yrs old when she passed away in 2013.

Princess was my lovable cat. She is the smartest one of all the cats. Unfortunately she ran away on Dec 24, 2019. I am still looking for her.

Lady was rescued from Pearl Country Club. She passed away in 2019. She was my oldest cat.

Cowie was rescued from Moanalua High School.

Magic was rescued from Moanalua High School.

Fluffy is the bully at the Moanalua High School tennis courts.

Squeaky is the only yellow duck. This is her with her brothers and sisters along with her mom when she was a duckling.

Yoda being a pig with the water bowl.

Pellet was a rescue because someone shot him with a pellet gun. That's why he is named Pellet.

Daphne was my girl. February 2020 I had to put her down. She was 23 yrs old. She lived in my office at HCC because she is blind in one eye.

Mama was my favorite cat. I lost her when I went on a trip. Sadly, someone found her body in their yard and called me.

My first big lost in 2021. Whitey Boy had to be put down because he had a tumor under his tongue.

Cali lives with me because I lost her mom.

Stiffy was rescued from Pearl Country Club. She is Mama's daughter.

Snowball is Fluffy's buddy at the Moanalua High School tennis courts.

Waldo is one of my cats I rescued at HCC. He passed away in 2019. Daniel is a duck I rescued when she was a duckling.

It's lunchtime at HCC and Squeaky is the only white duck there!